Sunday, October 10, 2010

June 29, '97 - Sunday Evening Gospel Study

How do you know your earthly father loves you? You've only spent some 20 years with him -- and you've spent an infinite amount of time with your Heavenly Father.
Why don't I like this talk? Do I believe my earthly father loves me? If I don't, can I comprehend that my Heavenly Father loves me?
I have felt my Heavenly Father's love, but is it with any, even an element, of understanding? No. In fact, I probably doubt his love for me more than is righteously allowed, because I don't have anything to compare it to.
I see how others' fathers love them. I feel love from other men in a fatherly way, like Brother Catts, or Kevin Bradway. I wonder why they choose to love me... and I wonder why my father, my own flesh and blood father, has chosen not to love me.
I think I need to work on this perspective (or lack thereof) because my earthly father is just that -- my earthly, mortal, imperfect father. I can't allow myself to compare my Heavenly Father to him and expect similar attributes from Him -- He is perfect!
He does not fall to any sort of distraction that he ever could forget me over. I am His priority. I must bask in this knowledge. I must first accept it as knowledge... and that's what I have trouble with.
I've been exposed to my Father's love and really it is what motivates me to be here -- I just disguise it as a desire for others to partake of the joy I receive from keeping the commandments. I want others to realize what I have come to accept as a fact, but its not the most important fact... the fact, fact, FACT that he loves me and he loves the other people on this earth -- that's why I should be here.

Joseph Smith History -- verses 5,8,10-13, 15-17. 1 Nephi 8 contains all the people in the world. ALL the things in the vision aren't real, they're representations. There's no path -- there's just a relationship with God. Have I caught the vision of the Book of Mormon?

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