Sunday, April 11, 2010

June 2, 1997

1) a full tummy (gotta look on the bright side of gaining weight!)
2) {Bpat Dzhencen's} Brother Jensen's encouraging looks
3) My love for the Russian language
4) the new district goal to not complain
5) all the mail I received today -- TWO packages!!
30 min running; 40 push-ups

I haven't been able to pick up one of my packages, but in the first of the two I received a dress from my Mom! I really needed it -- all my clothes are getting "old" real fast. What a wonderful Mom, to be open to the whisperings of... whatever!

(A note from the package was inserted: This pretty dress called out to me: Send me to Regan!" On the back of the note, I had written -- It's really a perfect dress, even has pockets. I'm hoping Mom will send a few more just like it!)

Today seemed to be a really long day. I am really glad we're almost at a halfway point, because it puts it in perspective as far as how much longer I need to have a reserve of endurance!

I know that if I put more effort into loving my district it could add a little variety into the days.

As correlating sister, I finally have a new group of sisters entering tomorrow! That service will be good, too! Love, Cectpa Bepi

June 1, 1997

1) ANSWERS TO PRAYER!! and the priesthood for helping put it in motion
2) the new hymn Faith in Every Footstep
3) Quality time at the temple & the Spiritual choreography of running into Ellen Pickering
4) living in the modern days with modern conveniences and technologies
5) my companion being so great!
40 push-ups!! Twice as many as I could do when I came in

Today was fast and testimony Sunday. While it is a little sad that this means no Relief Society meeting, it's made up for because it is Mission Conference. We had some powerful talks and very meaningful things pertaining to our lives right now as missionaries.

I was particularly grateful for district meeting where we as leaders got to discuss the main problem of our district: there is WAY too much complaining! And the Spirit cannot abide in such an atmosphere. This truly is an answer to prayer and I'm grateful for it! I fasted over it also -- which was very nice!

Overall, a spiritually uplifting day -- renewing my spirit of enthusiasm for the work.

Love, Cectpa Bepi