Sunday, August 15, 2010

June 23, '97

1) We got to return home early (our teacher was sick)
2) I felt the Holy Ghost ALL DAY!
3) I could help other Sisters here at the MTC by asking good questions
4) I received a letter from Tae Hee!
5) I read a lot in the Book of Mormon!

walking: 15 min; 120 push ups

Darnit... I took another nap today. Granted, it was short, but I want to eliminate naps altogether! I shouldn't have let my body get into the habit. But, as Sister Smyth pointed out, when we get to Russia, our bodies are going to be a little screwed up anyways. I believe it's a nine or ten hour difference. So, nothing that we're used to will be a "burden" to us!

For some reason, today I felt that our district was more unified. My goodness -- on Saturday, my companion and I were ready to give up on the district and just push ourselves harder for the last two weeks. But today we didn't feel such a need... everyone seemed to work hard on their own... and unity was a little more evident. Some of our most common problems were, of course, still there, but overall there was marked improvement. I can't help but think it had something to do with the talk on charity. But quite honestly, that scares me a little because as the week wears on, will the lesson be less and less helpful to our attitudes? Will it die as many of Sister Halford's motivational talks do? I dunno. I hope not. I guess all I can do is keep it alive in me. Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, August 1, 2010

June 22, '97 thankful...

1) the lesson on charity and the strong spirit I felt
2) the lesson on family and the strong spirit I felt
3) the opportunity to repent
4) my companion's patience with me
5) the letters I got written

80 push-ups

June 22, '97 (Gospel Doctrine Notes)

Excellent lesson on CHARITY for Sunday Evening Gospel Doctrine Class. We started in 1 Corinthians 13 and went to Moroni 7. Fill in the blank: Love is ________ and __________. I said: greatest & endureth. The "right" answers were: suffereth long & kind. He gave us time to memorize Moroni 7:45. He gave us situations to decide how it applied. He showed a few videos.

Overall, I could totally see how he (most likely) graduated from the Seminary Teaching Program. But that was not all I gathered from him.

I renewed my desire for charity within myself! When I was young -- under the age of 14 -- this was literally my favorite verse -- for some reason, I did not even try to pinpoint why, I just simply loved that verse... and now I love it again and want to strive for it again. I want to relive myself of all the anger I felt for my district, by loving them. I want to be happier and brighter person to be around because others will feel love emanate from me. I want to be thought of when someone reads that verse -- at least, for my efforts.

I'm afraid I give myself too much lee-way, too many allowances. "Oh, everyone needs a bad day here & there!" Or whatever... granted, there are going to be tough days but does that mean I can languish in them? NO! I must still try to fight them! I haven't been doing that lately.

I have a question (I just thought of it). Does God love Satan?

Back to charity: I'm going to repent tonight. Repentance is like pooping. Nobody likes to talk about it or have anyone else know they're doing it, but everyone needs to and once they're done they feel much better. It also can only happen after an intake of either food or an experience, and after as much nutrition or learning is squeezed out of what was taken in, and then all the bad stuff is excreted. Is that analogy too disgusting to be shared? I dunno...

Anyways, I have some repenting to do. And hopefully from here I'll fill my clean slate with beautiful stuff! Love, Sister Berry.

June 22, '97 (Devotional Notes)

Sunday Night Devotional -- Brother Sherman Crump, Managing Director of the Missionary Department
Three sacred places: the temple, the MTC, and HOME... where family is!

A survey was done of what's most important to people, and money and career was first and other materialistic things as you went down the list... in regards to Spiritual things, even higher than the Savior or the Plan of Salvation, was FAMILY!

We played a game called "Can you Find out" out of the Family Home Evening Manual... He named things about himself and if it was similar to us we raised our hands: "Red toothbrush... Wear glasses... Size 12 shoes..." Romans 8:14-17 and Ephesians 5:25 & 31. There is no place more influential to instill values than the family.... COMMUNICATE!

We become stronger when we appeal to God for help and await his decision. Alma 40:23 -- consoling scripture when his beautiful daughter, Colette, was killed -- She is alive!! That is the message of the family. The gospel of Christ takes the bitterness out of funerals.

June 22, '97 (Relief Society Notes)

My seventh Sunday -- 6th Relief Society Morning...
Sister Patricia Pinegar --
When we sing, seek the Spirit to witness that the words of the hymn are true!! When women in the fabric store want to see the true color of the cloth, they take it outside to the perfect light of the Sun -- like in "Our Savior's Love" (author of the hymn explained that background).

We are becoming a great global society, yet we must not forget individuals. When we pray, we need to include not just the children of the Church but of the world.. they are at great risk & are growing up amidst AWFUL circumstances -- child labor, pornography, babies born already addicted to drugs... children killing children.. children bearing children...

Video with children laughing, singing I am a Child of God.

I love children! They are delightful and a heritage of the Lord. Matthew 18:1-6 -- Not teaching children is an offense!

What will bless children most? When their parents accept and live the gospel.
3 easy things to help children:

1) Listen to children -- 3 Nephi 17 -- show love for children one by one! SMILE at them -- get down on your knees and look into their eyes. Compliment them! If you're ever discouraged, find a child!
2) Be an EXAMPLE! You will touch more lives and bless them on the mission field and especially in Motherhood by example. 1 Thessalonions 2:4-13 acting in a Godly manner -- 1 Timothy 4:12 -- do not despise youth!
3) UNDERSTAND and USE the AUXILIARIES -- our prophet is very concerned about retaining new converts -- leaders, members, stake & full-time missionaries work cooperatively in a balanced effort to help convert, retain, and activate our Heavenly Father's children. Explain to investigators about primary! Know the names of the children and inform the auxiliary presidents. The Purpose of Primary is to teach children the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help them know how to live it! CHRIST-CENTERED Primary!

Things to do if organizing a Primary:
1) Love the Children
2) Teach them to Pray
3) Listen to the Promptings of the Spirit
4) Share scriptures
5) Sing Primary Songs
6) Bear Testimony!!

June 21, '97 post script

PS I love to pray and feel encircled about in the arms of my Savior's love! It's a very real feeling...
Also: there's an orange sign that's used when the bathrooms are being cleaned that somehow ended up on our classroom door: CLOSED for CLEANING! Maybe it's a, well, no pun intended: SIGN! We need to have a chance to clean ourselves out -- of all the negative thoughts, all the worldly things that we think are super-glued on, but really it's just velcro! Something to consider. Maybe I'll mention it tomorrow -- although I often feel that anything I say meets with a blank stare, a brick wall, and while I feel it is of value, it seems de-valued by their lack of appreciation. Sad, because it makes me want to hole up and entirely remove myself from them... not at all lending to the overall goal of unity -- but hey, is anyone else making an effort? It's cuz our motives and goals vary too much. ACK!

June 21, '97

1) beautiful weather!
2) love that I feel for the Russian language
3) I said to Elder Smith: "I will pray for you!" it felt good!
4) I waited and waited for the day to end, and finally it did.
5) I love when I read and understand the Book of Mormon in Russian! It's cool!

100 push-ups

Wow, Saturday being neatly nudged between P-day and the Sabbath sure makes it seem long... but it's over now and fairly soon I can rest in peace (although I've been catching naps all day! I worry about that -- it's a bad habit for my body to get into). Anyways, Sister Smyth and I are going to start exercising again now that her health has improved... and only two weeks and one day and 8 hours before I catch the bus to go to the airport! And then just some 15 hours after that and I will be where my true destination is! Yea! And I can eave this district and it's apathy here at the MTC!

NOTE from the author:
The "thank you" list was originally written in my primitive Russian, and so I sometimes question what I meant... In particular this time, the number 2 item, in my original attempt says that I told Elder Smith that I do NOT pray for him. I'm not quite sure what I was getting at. I like to think it would feel good if I chose TO pray for someone, rather than tell them I don't pray for them... Hmmm...