Sunday, October 10, 2010

June 29, '97 - thankfuls

I almost forgot!
1) The fun & creative sisters in our branch!
2) the letters I got written -- accomplishment-city!
3) the neat talks I heard tonight -- all day
5) How little I think about mail anymore. It's not as much of a fetish.
40 push-ups

June 29, '97 - Sunday Evening Gospel Study

How do you know your earthly father loves you? You've only spent some 20 years with him -- and you've spent an infinite amount of time with your Heavenly Father.
Why don't I like this talk? Do I believe my earthly father loves me? If I don't, can I comprehend that my Heavenly Father loves me?
I have felt my Heavenly Father's love, but is it with any, even an element, of understanding? No. In fact, I probably doubt his love for me more than is righteously allowed, because I don't have anything to compare it to.
I see how others' fathers love them. I feel love from other men in a fatherly way, like Brother Catts, or Kevin Bradway. I wonder why they choose to love me... and I wonder why my father, my own flesh and blood father, has chosen not to love me.
I think I need to work on this perspective (or lack thereof) because my earthly father is just that -- my earthly, mortal, imperfect father. I can't allow myself to compare my Heavenly Father to him and expect similar attributes from Him -- He is perfect!
He does not fall to any sort of distraction that he ever could forget me over. I am His priority. I must bask in this knowledge. I must first accept it as knowledge... and that's what I have trouble with.
I've been exposed to my Father's love and really it is what motivates me to be here -- I just disguise it as a desire for others to partake of the joy I receive from keeping the commandments. I want others to realize what I have come to accept as a fact, but its not the most important fact... the fact, fact, FACT that he loves me and he loves the other people on this earth -- that's why I should be here.

Joseph Smith History -- verses 5,8,10-13, 15-17. 1 Nephi 8 contains all the people in the world. ALL the things in the vision aren't real, they're representations. There's no path -- there's just a relationship with God. Have I caught the vision of the Book of Mormon?

June 29, '97 Brother Stephen B. Allen

Brother Stephen B. Allen, Missionary Executive Committee Guy...
We are a royal army. How often does Satan splash us in the face like a water fountain with the pressure going up and down. because the person on the fountain connected to yours keeps pushing and releasing their button. A little child won't know why he's getting splashed in the face, and often we don't know, don't realize don't recognize where our trials are coming from. One of the Lord's greatest pet peeves is when we do not recognize his hand in all things and be obedient. When we are disobedient, we give Satan power. If we are really disobedient, then he can take complete control of you and destroy you. He workds every day with his angels to destroy us. Ammon in Alma 26 is giving his homecoming address. He converted 7 cities of Lamanites -- thousands! Verse 27 tells us that depression comes with the job. There will be tough days because there is a price to pay to do this work. Are we prepared to suffer? Privation -- something you have given up in order to be a missionary -- 10 stood to say what they have given up: family, radio, nephew, working on farm, roller skates, grandfather, CDs, Dixie, girlfriend, Mom.

List every single blessing you have, as though you will lose anything that's not listed:
My mother, my grandmother, Richard, Rachel, Ren, Ranell, my cousin Toby.
Electricity, clean water, and lots of it.
Time to study at IU and BYU.
Learning the Russian language. Serving a mission. My awesome MTC companion.
My dad choosing to become Mormon and my Mom choosing to stay Mormon.
My friend Kevin.
My experience with Ken.
My cars -- my Sable & the lessons it taught me, my Datsun and its dependability, my new Nissan and its cruise control and air conditioning.
Elder Stone and his letters.
Ice cream.
The Saviors atonement for my sins (I'm not even going to try o list them! let this one be inclusive!)
My friend Nicole who bought me these clothes.
Meagan and her parents' generosity.
My temple time.
The gift of tongues.
My ward supporting me on my mission.
My dog, Gloria, and her love for my mother.
Arts -- dance, visual, music.
Priesthood and my growing understanding of it.
Patriarchal blessing and the guidance it gives me.
This was a timed activity -- five minutes. After which a random selection of people had to share one thing on their list. Other things: Joseph Smith, scriptures, testimony, socks...

You are never alone... the Lord knows us and he will bless us as well as our families. We will bless the day that we endured to the end, amidst trial and affliction.

June 29, '97 - Sister Edmunds

My 7th Relief Society in the MTC.

Sister Mary Ellen Edmunds:
The sisters going to Hong Kong will be the first missionaries in China -- let's pray for them and also Nigeria, where they're on the verge of miracles, and also Indonesia where several hundred are waiting for the gospel but we haven't been able to send missionaries for 20 years. I am in a meeting today that is unique in all the world. Thankfulness...
Theory of Relativity: when the children were covered in their sleep with boards, one awoke and said, "Mother, how nice this is -- I feel so bad for people who don't have boards to keep them warm." Or would we have said, "I'm gonna get splinters!"
Sisters with Attitude: we all have a lot of reasons to be happy... Sister Edmunds served in Nigeria, where she learned the theory of relativity by comparing her home, which she and her companion called sarcastically "The Palace" and the homes of their investigators.
In Indonesia, Sister Edmunds met a couple that had no children, or as they said, "We have no one to follow after us."
In 1977 there was a worldwide fast, some had too much water, some had not enough. Some had volcanoes and earthquakes, some were just lonely. "We need to view our own wants in light of others' needs." (Spencer W. Kimball)
It's possible we could go through our entire lifetime without being content. Advertising tries to make us discontent so that we'll buy their item to fulfill a need. Happiness is a state of being contented and satisfied. Try to need less... simplify...
"You can never get enough of what you don't need... because what you don't need doesn't satisfy."
The homeless women in the park are filled with thoughts in winter of the warm coats the rich women will give them come July.
"There there, little luxury, don't you cry -- you'll become a necessity by-and-by."
It's probably a greater blessing to want less than it is to have more.
If you had two homes, would you give one to someone in need? "Yes!"
If you had two cars, would you give one to someone in need? "Yes!"
If you had two televisions, would you give one to someone in need? "No!"
Why? What's the difference? "I do have two televisions!"

One of the promises that runs through the entire Book of Mormon is: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper..."
What does it mean to prosper? The Lord loves to bless his children and one of the things he asks is for us to be grateful. We are about to meet some of the richest people we will ever know -- and they may live in a cardboard box.
What shall we DO about the Theory of Relativity? "I want you to enjoy what I have given you -- the gospel, electricity, water, family, friends, temple, scriptures, sunsets... Then, thank me ... third, SHARE -- particularly, truth!" (Heavenly Father)
Bumper Sticker: Live Simply so others can Simply Live.
Decreasing our wants and needs is a get-rich-quick scheme! Be grateful for what we don't have rather than grumbling about what we don't have.
Hymn 241, verse 3: Money cannot buy your reward in heaven nor your home on high.
If money could buy it, I don't think I would want to be there anyways!

June 28, '97

1) We taught some natives the first discussion!
2) Tomorrow is Sunday!
3) The Elders know that I love them! Even though I said, "Be quiet!"
4) I received a tape from my sister and my grandmother talked on it.
5) I continue to feel the Holy Ghost.
80 push-ups
Wow, today really did go fast. I really needed it to! I'm so excited to be in Russia. And with teaching the natives tonight, I simply felt so blessed with the gift of tongues! I understood so much of what was being said and I tried so hard to say what I wanted to and for the most part it worked. I totally know this is the power of the Lord in my personal life.

I am seeing, experiencing, being a very real miracle. I'm so grateful because I know that it's not my faith alone but that of my wonderful family and friends who are praying for me. I am seriously able to move mountains!

I am so grateful to have this opportunity to be experiencing this. I know it is, in fact, a gift from my loving Father in Heaven.

I, of all people, know my limits and lack of ability. I cannot attribute the "success" I feel to any preparation of mine or talent or intelligence that I possess.

Honestly, I am very humbled by the feats that are being accomplished through me as a mere vessel of the Lord's work. I know there are greater things to come!

I must reiterate the gift idea... that my Father has chosen me, called me to bear his message, and has blessed me with the ability to do it.

I love this!! I know I have so much yet to learn, but what a wonderful witness that I'm not doing it on my own -- at all!

I'm so excited to work harder, to know more, to serve better, to grow closer to my Savior. May I serve him well and endure the opportunities for growth that he gives me. I have every desire to go where he wants me to go, to say what he wants me to say, to be what he wants me to be. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

June 27, '97

1) I did not feel anger towards the Elders today, even though they acted badly. I only felt sorrow.
2) I got a picture with Sister Smyth in front of the sign that says: "General Authorities and Mission Presidents only"
3) I got to do initiatories and sealings in the temple today.
4) Sister Bird allowed us to watch a video about Russia. I am very excited!
5) Only ten days...
80 push-ups
I had the opportunity to do service today -- I think it's a neat little system they have set up! Divinely inspired, no doubt, as everything involved with this work is.
I'm so grateful to be a part of this work. I know it's providing me many opportunities to learn lessons in a way that I can deal with it.
Poor Sister Bird showed her video of Russia and the Elders just ripped on it. I didn't feel angry but just sad. I pray that they will partake of this opportunity to learn also. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

June 26, '97

1) We sang in our class this evening - very spiritual!
2) I received a tape from Elder Stone and also a letter -- cool!
3) I have had a lot of free time and have been studying a lot! Awesome!
4) I ate ice cream instead of lunch again today! Yummy! Every Thursday!
5) I love the Russian language. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study this beautiful language.
100 push ups
Short entry tonight... important to get to bed on time. Tomorrow is P-day! I'm so glad this week has gone by quickly. I pray next week will too. I really want to be in Russia but I know in the meantime I need to make good use of time. I love my Savior and need to learn to love others!

June 25, '97

NOTE: the "thankfuls" were written in Russian, and I wasn't always sure what I meant to write -- I did my best with the translation!

1) I ate ice cream, and no one else got it, except my companion -- a friendly worker gave it to me!
2) Only eleven more days here...
3) Lots of free time yesterday and today
4) I continue to feel that a mission is right
5) Lots of new words that I learned today, when I found my scriptures

80 push ups

Oops! My companion and I did not wake up early enough to run this morning. But I didn't sleep at all during study time -- which I was pleased with.
I have found that I love to study out of the Russian scriptures... and while it may mean looking up every other word, that's how I like to learn the words. I truly have felt blessed with the gift of tongues here at the MTC. I pray it continues in the field because only 11 days left until immersion! SWEET! I love the Russian language and the Russian people.
Oh -- we just found out Russian parliament voted against having missionaries in Russia. Oh well. The work of the Lord will continue! Amazing how we took the news with a grain of salt. We all just feel very confident of where we'll be going and when...

June 24, '97

I KNOW! I just plain know. Ya znayu!! (I know). I can't expressly put it into words other than that. I KNOW.
I know my Savior lives.
I know he has special witnesses on this earth today. I know I am one of them! I have a work to do -- beyond this mission -- a life long mission.
Pres. Faust spoke this morning at a special devotional because Mission Presidents are in training.
I KNOW. That's all there is to it! There is no denying -- no doubting ever again.
As of this day, June 24, 1997, age 21 and less than 1/2, I have a knowledge. Clear and distinct. The Savior Jesus Christ heads this Church. There is no room in the kingdom for people who don't, won't follow the Savior and make his will theirs, adopting his mannerisms, his characteristics, his love, his nature, his countenance.
I KNOW!! And hence I have a responsibility to live what I know. I know.
I know Joseph Smith is a prophet as is President Hinckley. I know my God is my Heavenly Father, the almighty God of Heaven and Earth, creator of all. I KNOW!!
President Faust, a member of the First Presidency, knows, and so do I, a Sister called to serve a full-time and a full-life mission.
I KNOW! And I love that I know. And I know that my life must be different now that I know. No more excuses. No more wandering around. I KNOW! There is nothing left to do but live by what I know -- to shout it from the housetops, to exclaim by example but also by word that Jesus is the Christ! We can bask in His glory and return to fulfill out potential by embracing His gospel and the eternal truths therein.
I love this! I know I am but a human and must continue to struggle with my weaknesses. But what great hope and glory and joy exists in this knowledge!
I love that I am feeling the Spirit so strongly right now but that I am not crying. My heart is swollen with the light of knowledge -- I can't write fast enough to record it! I am not burdened, however, with tears. It's nice! I feel like it is an added strength to be able to endure the Spirit in great amounts! Wow.
I know I must continue in the day-to-day life but what more strength of purpose there is with this knowledge. I'm so grateful for it!!
I'll write more tonight! I get to hear from President Packer tonight!
1) hearing from two General Authorities in one day -- two apostles, even...
2) receiving a package from Mom by means of my sister, who has arrived safely in Provo.
3) being at the MTC at this time of year and thereby also arriving in Russia when I will.
4) skipping lunch today. My body needed a break from trying to digest it all.
5) the increase in unification in the district!
walk: 15 min; 50 push-ups
Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

June 23, '97

1) We got to return home early (our teacher was sick)
2) I felt the Holy Ghost ALL DAY!
3) I could help other Sisters here at the MTC by asking good questions
4) I received a letter from Tae Hee!
5) I read a lot in the Book of Mormon!

walking: 15 min; 120 push ups

Darnit... I took another nap today. Granted, it was short, but I want to eliminate naps altogether! I shouldn't have let my body get into the habit. But, as Sister Smyth pointed out, when we get to Russia, our bodies are going to be a little screwed up anyways. I believe it's a nine or ten hour difference. So, nothing that we're used to will be a "burden" to us!

For some reason, today I felt that our district was more unified. My goodness -- on Saturday, my companion and I were ready to give up on the district and just push ourselves harder for the last two weeks. But today we didn't feel such a need... everyone seemed to work hard on their own... and unity was a little more evident. Some of our most common problems were, of course, still there, but overall there was marked improvement. I can't help but think it had something to do with the talk on charity. But quite honestly, that scares me a little because as the week wears on, will the lesson be less and less helpful to our attitudes? Will it die as many of Sister Halford's motivational talks do? I dunno. I hope not. I guess all I can do is keep it alive in me. Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, August 1, 2010

June 22, '97 thankful...

1) the lesson on charity and the strong spirit I felt
2) the lesson on family and the strong spirit I felt
3) the opportunity to repent
4) my companion's patience with me
5) the letters I got written

80 push-ups

June 22, '97 (Gospel Doctrine Notes)

Excellent lesson on CHARITY for Sunday Evening Gospel Doctrine Class. We started in 1 Corinthians 13 and went to Moroni 7. Fill in the blank: Love is ________ and __________. I said: greatest & endureth. The "right" answers were: suffereth long & kind. He gave us time to memorize Moroni 7:45. He gave us situations to decide how it applied. He showed a few videos.

Overall, I could totally see how he (most likely) graduated from the Seminary Teaching Program. But that was not all I gathered from him.

I renewed my desire for charity within myself! When I was young -- under the age of 14 -- this was literally my favorite verse -- for some reason, I did not even try to pinpoint why, I just simply loved that verse... and now I love it again and want to strive for it again. I want to relive myself of all the anger I felt for my district, by loving them. I want to be happier and brighter person to be around because others will feel love emanate from me. I want to be thought of when someone reads that verse -- at least, for my efforts.

I'm afraid I give myself too much lee-way, too many allowances. "Oh, everyone needs a bad day here & there!" Or whatever... granted, there are going to be tough days but does that mean I can languish in them? NO! I must still try to fight them! I haven't been doing that lately.

I have a question (I just thought of it). Does God love Satan?

Back to charity: I'm going to repent tonight. Repentance is like pooping. Nobody likes to talk about it or have anyone else know they're doing it, but everyone needs to and once they're done they feel much better. It also can only happen after an intake of either food or an experience, and after as much nutrition or learning is squeezed out of what was taken in, and then all the bad stuff is excreted. Is that analogy too disgusting to be shared? I dunno...

Anyways, I have some repenting to do. And hopefully from here I'll fill my clean slate with beautiful stuff! Love, Sister Berry.

June 22, '97 (Devotional Notes)

Sunday Night Devotional -- Brother Sherman Crump, Managing Director of the Missionary Department
Three sacred places: the temple, the MTC, and HOME... where family is!

A survey was done of what's most important to people, and money and career was first and other materialistic things as you went down the list... in regards to Spiritual things, even higher than the Savior or the Plan of Salvation, was FAMILY!

We played a game called "Can you Find out" out of the Family Home Evening Manual... He named things about himself and if it was similar to us we raised our hands: "Red toothbrush... Wear glasses... Size 12 shoes..." Romans 8:14-17 and Ephesians 5:25 & 31. There is no place more influential to instill values than the family.... COMMUNICATE!

We become stronger when we appeal to God for help and await his decision. Alma 40:23 -- consoling scripture when his beautiful daughter, Colette, was killed -- She is alive!! That is the message of the family. The gospel of Christ takes the bitterness out of funerals.

June 22, '97 (Relief Society Notes)

My seventh Sunday -- 6th Relief Society Morning...
Sister Patricia Pinegar --
When we sing, seek the Spirit to witness that the words of the hymn are true!! When women in the fabric store want to see the true color of the cloth, they take it outside to the perfect light of the Sun -- like in "Our Savior's Love" (author of the hymn explained that background).

We are becoming a great global society, yet we must not forget individuals. When we pray, we need to include not just the children of the Church but of the world.. they are at great risk & are growing up amidst AWFUL circumstances -- child labor, pornography, babies born already addicted to drugs... children killing children.. children bearing children...

Video with children laughing, singing I am a Child of God.

I love children! They are delightful and a heritage of the Lord. Matthew 18:1-6 -- Not teaching children is an offense!

What will bless children most? When their parents accept and live the gospel.
3 easy things to help children:

1) Listen to children -- 3 Nephi 17 -- show love for children one by one! SMILE at them -- get down on your knees and look into their eyes. Compliment them! If you're ever discouraged, find a child!
2) Be an EXAMPLE! You will touch more lives and bless them on the mission field and especially in Motherhood by example. 1 Thessalonions 2:4-13 acting in a Godly manner -- 1 Timothy 4:12 -- do not despise youth!
3) UNDERSTAND and USE the AUXILIARIES -- our prophet is very concerned about retaining new converts -- leaders, members, stake & full-time missionaries work cooperatively in a balanced effort to help convert, retain, and activate our Heavenly Father's children. Explain to investigators about primary! Know the names of the children and inform the auxiliary presidents. The Purpose of Primary is to teach children the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help them know how to live it! CHRIST-CENTERED Primary!

Things to do if organizing a Primary:
1) Love the Children
2) Teach them to Pray
3) Listen to the Promptings of the Spirit
4) Share scriptures
5) Sing Primary Songs
6) Bear Testimony!!

June 21, '97 post script

PS I love to pray and feel encircled about in the arms of my Savior's love! It's a very real feeling...
Also: there's an orange sign that's used when the bathrooms are being cleaned that somehow ended up on our classroom door: CLOSED for CLEANING! Maybe it's a, well, no pun intended: SIGN! We need to have a chance to clean ourselves out -- of all the negative thoughts, all the worldly things that we think are super-glued on, but really it's just velcro! Something to consider. Maybe I'll mention it tomorrow -- although I often feel that anything I say meets with a blank stare, a brick wall, and while I feel it is of value, it seems de-valued by their lack of appreciation. Sad, because it makes me want to hole up and entirely remove myself from them... not at all lending to the overall goal of unity -- but hey, is anyone else making an effort? It's cuz our motives and goals vary too much. ACK!

June 21, '97

1) beautiful weather!
2) love that I feel for the Russian language
3) I said to Elder Smith: "I will pray for you!" it felt good!
4) I waited and waited for the day to end, and finally it did.
5) I love when I read and understand the Book of Mormon in Russian! It's cool!

100 push-ups

Wow, Saturday being neatly nudged between P-day and the Sabbath sure makes it seem long... but it's over now and fairly soon I can rest in peace (although I've been catching naps all day! I worry about that -- it's a bad habit for my body to get into). Anyways, Sister Smyth and I are going to start exercising again now that her health has improved... and only two weeks and one day and 8 hours before I catch the bus to go to the airport! And then just some 15 hours after that and I will be where my true destination is! Yea! And I can eave this district and it's apathy here at the MTC!

NOTE from the author:
The "thank you" list was originally written in my primitive Russian, and so I sometimes question what I meant... In particular this time, the number 2 item, in my original attempt says that I told Elder Smith that I do NOT pray for him. I'm not quite sure what I was getting at. I like to think it would feel good if I chose TO pray for someone, rather than tell them I don't pray for them... Hmmm...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

June 20, '97

1) today, I received 9 letters!
2) my companion feels better.
3) I spoke with Elder Stevens
4) I wrote Elder Stone a normal letter without any love or mooshiness
5) I love to serve other sisters.

80 push-ups

It's been late nights lately -- too much socializing. There's a sister headed to Germany, Nicole Hinton, and I can't figure out how I know here and she can't either! It's frustrating. Then there are our sisters in our district that we bonded with -- they have a stock of Great Harvest Bread -- my favorite! And since I received a package today, I traded some cookie crumbs for some bread -- I really think I got the better end of the deal! But I'm grateful to the Catts for sending the cookies! I also was the target of a YW project and now have 9 individual letters to respond to -- FUN!

June 19, '97

1) Ice cream!!!
2) I felt that I learned a lot today! Hooray!
3) I received four letters!
4) My brother found a girl!
5) Ranell will live here in Provo

80 push-ups

I love the Russian language! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be learning it, particularly by the Spirit -- the best way to learn! I seriously have felt the Spirit more this week in class and I'm grateful for it -- I need it.

I'm excited to go to the temple tomorrow...

Oh, one of our scripture share topics was "judgment" and I found a scripture that I really liked about it in Leviticus 19:15-18.

I got a letter today from Elder Stone. I think I need to lay off the relationship a little bit or I'm not going to be able to concentrate as much as I want to.

Sister Bird shared several stories about Russia today that was so exciting to hear about. I'm thrilled to be headed to serving the Russian people!

June 18, '97

NOTE: I wrote the five thankful things in Russian. Rather than try to transcribe that all, I'll just put in the translation!
1) another day without mail
2) I felt love for the Elders all day, especially Elder Miller
3) I listened to a wonderful blessing from the priesthood -- but I think that it's sad that Sister Smyth was sick
4) I think that I will receive a letter from Elder Stone tomorrow
5) The day after tomorrow is P-day -- I need it!
6) Native teacher!

115 push-ups

It's my new goal to always write what I'm grateful for in Russian. It used to be a goal to write once a week an entire entry in Russian, but I've forgotten too much, so this is sort of a revised goal! Poor Sister Smyth is awfully sick! We came back during gym time so she could nap. About an hour into it, there was some awful pounding and it turned out my friend Lucinda from Cinnamon Tree was tearing out the tile on the Stairwell. It was fun chit-chatting with her, and it kept her from pounding for a while! Well, gotta head to bed!

June 17, '97

1) having a greater feeling of love for the Elders! Exactly what I needed!
2) the really great lesson we had for district meeting tonight! Way to go, Elder Day!
3) not getting mail for two days -- whoa, really preparing me for Russia...
4) pizza for lunch with fresh tomatoes on top
5) simply feeling the Spirit! Yeah!

ran: 15 min; walk: 10 min; 115 push-ups

After lunch today and a bit of a nap, I was blessed with an answer to my prayer that I might feel the Spirit more, and do so by loving the {staryeishini} Elders more. It was a great feeling to not dread being with them for an extended amount of time. And for the most part, they lived up to their titles.

Also, I went yet another day without mail, but I feel confident tomorrow will bring different results. If not, I will survive and think in terms that in Russia, mail day will not come but weekly and should that day ever be bare... let's not think about it! Well, I'm going to follow my companion's example and hit the sack a little early.

June 16, '97

1) the confidence I have in and feel from my companion! She's great...
2) the fun, relaxing moments we shared at dinner with our branch-sisters... they're fun!
3) It was Nacho-day for lunch!
4) I felt the Spirit in Grammar class
5) getting out of evening class a little earlier!
100 push-ups

I need to love the {staryeishini} Elders more, but I also need to feel more love from them. I did feel the Spirit today in grammar class for a change. Brother Jensen's not at fault for not having the Spirit there before... but today, he was definitely responsible for its presence, because he started the class out with a little talk and challenged us to find out real reasons why we're here and why we want to stay here. Mine are varied and change from day to day and I can sift through them and decide which are worthy and long-lasting and which aren't. I pray for humility -- I need it! Then I can love these {staryeishini} Elders no matter what!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 15, '97 end

3) the lava-lava bonding party we had and alos the lava-lava Sister Malautea gave me to keep!
4) the day off from the Elders after morning meeting (I needed it)
5) the thunder and lightning "show"!
45 push-ups (all at once)

I know the Church is true and I can share this knowledge with others through the Holy Ghost!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Cectpa Bepi

June 15, '97 continued more!

Sunday Evening Fireside -- Sister Williams

"I am inspired to tell you young people that you served as Captains and Generals in the army in the pre-mortal existence." The speaker asked the prophet if it was wrong to say that, and the prophet said: "Yes, there were no captains in this room. They were all generals!"

We, too, are generals -- Saturday's Warriors.

Prayer is powerful!

Sis. Williams' Dad served in England and once was approached by a mob. The Elders headed for the precinct, which the mob surrounded, shouting "Send them out!" The inspector told the Elders he hated Mormons, and would do more harm to them than the crowd if they didn't leave. They slowly headed back out, saying a prayer, and then they opened the door, and the crowd's eyes were blinded to them as they still shouted "Send them out!" The Elders got safely to their apartment. The next morning, the paper reported two missionaries had been taken from Hyde Park and tarred and feathered. Sis Williams' Dad always wondered who they were.

Do we have the faith to determine what is right for us? All prayers are NOT created equal. Ask and ye shall receive -- ask means PLEAD... knock means POUND! Do we end our prayers with the words, "Thy will be done?" I stand at the door and knock -- there's no door knob on the outside of the door... When we are having trouble with prayer, what is keeping us from opening the door? Have we set up barricades? Doubt, fear, anxiety, negative thinking... Whatever our personal barricade, the Savior will continue to knock because he loves us!

Prayer can bring repentance, forgiveness of sins, even the restoration of the Gospel to change the world!

Think of the times your prayers have been answered: Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? Let us put our lives in order that we can be worthy of the guidance of the Lord.

A young mission president in the Polynesian islands was scheduled to tour the mission and travel by boat. Wild and fierce winds would arise unexpectedly and toss the boat about. The captain, a young LDS man with a family, suggested they both take their families because it was not a rainy season, and the islands would be beautiful. He was right until the last islands when the storm came up. They headed for the harbor which was reached by first going through a narrow wall of reefs. They gathered together in prayer for the Lord to still the waters but nothing happened. Three more times this group of frightened, righteous people prayed with no response. The captain suggested an alternate idea of anchoring the boat to a reef and waiting to be rescued. Following another prayer, they charged the reef, awaiting the impact. The hand of the Lord reached down and picked up that small craft, turned it at a sharp 90 degree angle, and sent it sailing swiftly and sharply between the narrow wass of reefs into the safety of the harbor.

There IS power in prayer -- it is key to our progress and happiness. Be believing and walk uprightly before the Lord that all things may work together for our good.

President Williams: Romans 8:16-17 -- We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ -- he is our brother!
Go the EXTRA mile -- then the straight and narrow won't seem so long (especially when we lengthen our stride).

Do what it takes to get through to people. Prove your faith and your loyalty. D&C 18:10, 15. There are immeasurable ripple effects of everything we do. Sometimes we look back on the mission and think, "It did a lot for ME but what did I do for the Lord?" Pres. Williams baptized ONE person in Nova Scotia, whose posterity was only 23, but of those, 4 had already served missions and many more were coming.

"The Lord will hold us responsible for the people we might have saved if we had only done our part."

A man found a coin at a flea market in Florida and called the mission president to find out about it because it was a Mormon coin. It was worth $60,000 -- only 11 had been minted before the press broke... THe man explained that he had used it as a lucky coin for 15 years, then lost it in the gunnel of his boat, for five years until just then. We must not be careless with the souls we find -- they are worth much more than $60,000!

June 15, '97 continued

2) the Starburst Sister Winters gave me...


Richard Cowan on Baptism by Immersion for the Remission of Sins

He's been blind for his whole life! Paying tribute to his earthly father who emulates his Heavenly Father... who loves us SO much!

Brother Cowan got a PhD from Stanford University and has taught at BYU for 36 years where he received several awards for teaching.

We will run into a lot of different beliefs with the people we'll be teaching. Luckily the Standard Works figure out for us all of the necessary ordinances.

The New Testament was written mainly to Church members so there was not a great need to go over stuff that was already known. But the Book of Mormon (see title page) was written for the convincing of the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God... therefore we can expect to see more about it and indeed we do.

Doctrine and Covenants also has a lot of insight as can be expected (See D&C 20:37; Mosiah 18:8-10; sacrament prayers are also in D&C 20)

Why is it okay to use water symbolically instead of wine? Because it is a super symbol of purity and cleanliness and it's still symbolic of blood because when Christ was crucified, water came from the wound in his side -- and water is just as essential for life as blood.

The mode of baptism is made clear in the Doctrine and Covenants because it was revealed after a great apostasy when details were necessary.

Different wording between Doctrine and Covenants and Book of Mormon because those in 3 Nephi actually were personally ordained by Jesus Christ.

Is Baptism necessary? Let's find answers in the Bible... John 3 where Nicodemus asked what is necessary for eternal life and Christ says "to be born again -- by water and by the Spirit." Matthew 28:19
Acts 2:37-38
Acts 16:30-31

Age of baptism: Moroni 8:8-12
D&C 68:25
Listing parental duties -- one is to help the child desire to get baptized.

Baptism in Greek actually means immersion (but not permanently!)

Matthew 3:16 SYMBOLIC
Romans 6:4
Acts 22:16
Why was Jesus baptized? To fulfill all righteousness. 2 Nephi 31:7 -- OBEDIENCE! EXAMPLE!

June 15, '97

1) that Sis. Edmunds taught in Relief Society... in fact, I forgot my notebook to take notes so my journal gets to benefit from her great words.

What a privilege it is to be in the MTC on Father's Day when we can pray to our Father and thank him reverently.

"Pray as if everything depended on God, then work as if everything depended on you."

3 Nephi 18:15 -- Jesus taught to watch and pray always lest ye be tempted by the devil -- so prayer is a protection...

Nephi taught in his last lecture (2 Nephi 32:8-9)

"7 days without prayer makes one weak"
"Life is fragile, handle with prayer"

Pray always and don't faint -- literally means don't fall asleep!

Doctrine and Covenants 136:28-29 revelation given through Brigham Young -- if happy OR sad, call on the Lord!

Sister Elaine Jack (previous general Relief Society president or boss of the world for women) is now a primary pianist! side note ***

There are miracles that happen, it just won't always appear to you that way...

Prayer is a critical key for the things that we yearn for.

We are women now, not children -- we must pray maturely.

"Prayer is the soul's sincere desire"

Prayer should be some of the hardest work we ever engage in.

Prayer is not just words but communication... stay on your knees until communication is made. (President Kimball)

Draw near unto him with our hearts -- not just our lips.

Heavenly Father wants to "catch us" doing good things. He wants us to pray in every situation, not just when we're good but when we're bad so that we can partake of the atonement. We don't have to go through his secretary to get to him. He never leaves the phone off the hook. He's never on vacation.

Prayer IS a commandment, but it is also a blessing and opportunity.

"If I don't feel like praying, I say 'Brigham, get down on your knees and stay there until you feel like praying'" Brigham Young

Our hearts keep on working even when they're broken

Have you ever taken notes in response to a prayer? Joseph Smith did -- a lot -- and we read his notes in the Doctrine and Covenants!

Be able to say: Thy Will Be Done.

Trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They will never ask us to do something dumb or useless. They may ask us to do challenging things, tho.

Don't hang up on Heavenly Father -- when you're done saying what you want to say LISTEN -- or even STOP to listen during your prayer.

3 Nephi 18:20
Moroni 7:26 - pray for that which is RIGHT and remember God knows better than we do WHAT is right.

Sometimes it's nice to have a prayer just of thanks.

Be specific in your prayer.

Heavenly Father won't get mad if you ask "Did that really happen to Joseph Smith?"

Ask, and he'll answer: What do I need to work on?"

It matters not how simple our words are if they are sincere and we have a broken heart and a contrite spirit." J.F. Smith

The words don't matter as much as the Spirit.

"If I am slow, will he wait for me?" YES!

June 14, '97

1) How the clouds made a little halo over the mountains this a.m.
2) opportunity to teach with Sister Ross this p.m.
3) ice cream. I'm enjoying a "midnight" snack right now (okay, 10:15pm)
4) my two letters today! Carry me thru tomorrow!
5) {tsvyetoki} flowers! I especially like to pick them and put them behind my ear.
Run: 20 minutes. 100 push-ups

Tomorrow is yet another Sabbath. I'm very grateful for these days of renewal. In my new goal system that is the "habit" for the Sabbath: renewal! Which reminds me, I need to record the {Cbetoye Picanie} scripture that I memorized:

4 Nephi 1:3 -- And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.

(Today's habit was "synergize" -- a topic that's not in the Topical Guide! ;)

I love the roots in the Russian language -- for instance:
{bockpecenye} = Sunday AND bockpeceniye = resurrection AND kpeshenye = baptism

It's like there's symbolism in the words -- and we all know I'm an analogy kind of girl! Awesome!
Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, July 11, 2010

June 13, 1997 (evening)

2) push-ups really are helping my arm strength
3) letter from my wonderful grandmother
4) living in the United States
5) walking and singing for class tonight
20 min running; 90 push-ups

Today was P-day and I got a lot done, including a nap (which I really needed). But it's late now so I won't include much else.. wrote what was pertinent earlier!

Note: a photo was taped into my journal that was of myself, in missionary attire, holding a shovel on a pile of dirt with barricades nearby indicating construction. Maybe I'll scan it in sometime. Here is what was written on the back:

"Part of the work for dead is digging 'em up! HA! Anyways, ya look for humor opportunities like starved puppies at the MTC, and this was a feeble attempt. {Hy, lagho} Oh, well.

June 13, 1997 (morning)

FRIDAY the 13th! :)

1) THE TEMPLE!! Its great blessings...
Today, being P-day, was spent at the temple... and my goodness did I need it. What I need from here on out, though, is to learn to achieve a similar level of spiritual high without having to be on the temple grounds... because it'll be 16 months before I'm on temple grounds again. Surely this is one of the sacrifices of the next year and a half.

No wonder they call it temple "work" and missionary "work" for indeed it takes a toll on you! I feel drained by the immensity of the Spirit I am blessed to feel as I participate in the temple ordinances.

Today, on my mind again, was whether or not to go home. I can't remember struggling with a subject to a similar degree before and it's simply because I seem to be receiving this answer from the Lord: "It mattereth not unto me, it is by all means, to every extent, your choice -- just please, Regan, make the choice for righteous reasons, then stick with the choice that you make. Do not waver! Make the choice and know that it is right and work from there." I'm generally used to receiving more specific answers form the Lord, but it is a reality in this case that my progression will not nore will anyone else's, be hindered by this decision, either way.

Even if I chose to stay home I would still be provided means to learn all the lessons I need to learn, and my Russian investigators that I've been praying for since before I sent in my papers would still be afforded the opportunity to accept the gospel and partake of its blessings. It's a very interesting predicaments because of all things I know that there are tough times ahead. Russia simply is not America, in its language, its "luxuries" or lack thereof, its culture -- there's a lot of adjustments to be made should I choose to go forth. And I must go forth for the right reasons, not just to avoid the judgments of people if I choose to go home.

I know that I will be married, within a year, of whenever I make myself available again. That was a comforting part of the revelation!

Most of all, it was made very clear to me, and stressed above and beyond anything else, that this is to be my choice. I guess that's why I'm having to make the choice here in the MTC when I can't just pick up the phone and call my Mom, or go over to my Home teacher's house. I must admit I'm leaning towards the mission! And I'm grateful to feel that compulsion. I need it. Well, I'm going to take a nap and I'll report back tonight! ;)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

June 12, '97

1) The picture Sister Rolly re-drew so as to be complimentary to sisters
2) the self-discipline (with the Lord's help) I was able to show this morning in getting up & studying first, then running -- may it continue
3) the thunder today! It sounded like a cadence for God's army!
4) ice cream for lunch! yum!
5) Letter from Elder Stone! He loves me!
20 min running; 90 push-ups

I don't like to admit it because it complicates life a little bit... but I was very pleased to receive a letter from Elder Stone wherein he appreciated my "mooshy" card that I sent last week that told him how much I appreciated him. He's got a list going of things we're going to do together when I get home. He pointed out that this can be a good thing but at the same time frustrating because it turly is pretty far away. He's so sensible, though, also, because he leaves things in the Lord's hands. He isn't making unreasonable commitments or seeking any such thing from me. He simply wants what's best for both of us and that's whatever the Lord wants! I love his attitude of trust and reliance in the Lord and his plan for each of us.

I can tell he honors his priesthood and works to be worthy of the many gifts this power to act in God's name provides. That's important to me.

I love the Gospel so much. I simply want to feel the Spirit more. Tomorrow is temple day, so I will try to soak up all that I can. I honestly believe it is the best way to learn.

Anyways, I want to adopt Elder Stone's perspective to trust in the Lord and not stress about the future. As long as we feel like we are doing and living according to the guidelines he's given us (including personal revelation) we will be taken care of.

Sometimes I just really want the Lord to tell me, but the hymn "Lead Kindly Light" comes to mind... "I loved to choose and see my path but now, Lead thou me on!" May my faith grow to this level! {Bo imya Iicyca Xpicta, Amin} In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Cectpa Bepi

NOTE: Attached to this page was a portion of a letter from Elder Stone, with pressed flowers taped to it. It said:

I hope you like these flowers. I usually prefer to give them in person, but this will have to do. I picked them in Star Valley, Wyoming on Thursday and pressed them in my scriptures. Have you heard of Star Valley? Beautiful place, so I wanted to share part of it with you.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 11, '97

AACK! I'm flustered! We found out yesterday that we're not allowed to run outdoors like we've been doing for 4 weeks. It's kind of depressing really because I need the fresh air almost more than I need the exercise! So we're trying to problem-solve and it didn't work today... (it's early a.m. -- we were supposed to wake up at the same time we usually do and study scriptures first and then run when it's light out -- that's the stipulation -- but we didn't. And being that I cherish my study time, I'll have to do without exercise this morning which probably means I'll be tired all day. But alas this is the day the Lord hath made! And it's a great day to study the Russian language! I will start my day with prayer, seek my Savior's help in all these things, and report back tonight! Love, Cectpa Bepi
Oh! We expect to receive travel plans today! AWESOME! I love prayer... I just got done and opened my scriptures to where I had taped the 7 habits of highly effective people... 7 is how many days there are in a week...I propose a goal to practice one of the habits each day, assigning one day to one habit and center activities around that -- like the scripture I memorize should come from that! I like this. I think I'll pray about it more. Wow, do I ever NEED the help of my Heavenly Father in these things. Sometimes I wonder why it takes me so long to appeal to him. Pride. Gotta get over it, Sister Berry!

1) GOT THE TRAVEL PLANS!!! It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be until I started seeing people I know and then as I got to tell them I got more and more excited. I'm really leaving this place and going to a whole 'nother country! I'm the travel leader (who knows what that means) but it was fun to give my Elders (not in my district) their travel plans and see their eyes light up and they danced around a little bit. I get to write home about it TODAY (instead of waiting until P-day) so I'm looking forward to that, too. Oh, what a joy! It sure is exciting to be in this place at this time.
2) taking a walk this afternoon
3) eating ice cream for dinner (yum!)
4) cherishing yesterday's mail since I didn't get any today
5) striving a little harder to be a worker
15 min walk - 90 push-ups

I really need to feel the Spirit more. The Spirit is the only reason I want to be on a mission -- at least, the only reason that will keep me on a mission, when the going gets tough. It's occurred to me more and more lately to just go home. I don't feel like it's a spiritual prompting or anything -- in fact, I feel fairly sure that it is the adversary working on me. I want it to go away! Brother Jensen told us that when something like this happens, then we need to read a scripture, sing a hymn, and pray. I find this hard to do when I'm surrounded by a bunch of 19-year old boys that I'm not always confident want to feel the Spirit. :{
I just know I have a lot yet to learn.

Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, May 30, 2010

June 10, '97

1) Rachel's letter
2) strawberries and chocolate ice cream
3) knowing the uplifting people that I know
4) challenges wherein I can seek to learn and grow within myself
5) the scriptures and the power they have to bring me closer to Christ
12 min cycling; 65 push-ups

Why do I question? Why do I even let it cross my mind that maybe I'm not supposed to be here? ACK!

I have every desire to be serving a full-time mission. I am excelling with the language -- certainly beyond my own abilities, and hence I attribute it to the Lord and that he is blessing me to be here, showing His approval and support.

Where is my strength of heart, though, that is going to carry me through the times of strife ahead? The MTC is easy compared to what's to take place in the future. I need the Lord's hand to buoy me up, to offer the comfort and the strength that only comes from him. Otherwise, I will question the whole time if I'm really supposed to be here.

I have felt the Lord's Spirit assuring me that he is pleased with my choice to be here, but I am also aware of my faulty foundations for that choice.

I struggle with pride constantly -- that I have always wanted to be an R.M. and wouldn't settle for a mere Mrs. I am humbled daily by the length of the commitment I have made and by what it means in regards to my future.

I'll have mission stories to tell when I teach seminary! I'll set a good example for my sons and daughters. I'll have better communication skills with my eternal companion because I'll "practice" with these companions.

But are these reasons to serve that will provide the motivation and encouragement necessary to overcome trials set in the path of all missionaries by the dreadful adversary?

Could I learn these same lessons or accomplish the same goals (besides the title of RM) through other means? And if so, why aren't I doing those?

Because I love the Lord. I love His gospel. I love what it's done for me, the person it's helped me become thus far, and the person it's given me the potential to become, particularly in an eternal perspective.

I feel the Lord's love radiate through my life, see how it's lit the dark parts of my days. I want to share it, thereby strengthening my own candle's illumination by lighting others.

I want to feel the Spirit as I testify of truth; I want to see others' reactions as to how they feel the Spirit and recognize it and use it to guide them. I want to share in their joy of a new life as a disciple of Christ, the great God of this earth. I want to bear their burdens and provide any strength I might.

I want to be an instrument in the Lord's hands and be a force for good -- for ETERNAL good! And all the glory to my Father in Heaven, for truly I am nothing without Him, His Son, and His Spirit.

I bear my testimony of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wow, it's nice to have a journal to "listen" to me! I rely on it! Cectpa Bepi

June 9, '97

1) that Elder Smith is loving this language a little bit more (a lot, actually)
2) the great potential I see in Elder Hansen
3) the wonderful things I'm learning about myself
4) doing TRC in Russian
5) my post-card from my Bishop -- kept it from being a mail-less day
25 min running - 20 push-ups

My companion and I did our goal fully today -- we just go and practice our Russian tasks on people so that we learn them better. And I passed off the entire second principle of the first discussion.

I'm thinking about starting up another "scripture-a-day" program, but this time po-rooski (in Russian)... smaller scriptures (verses). I really think it will build my vocabulary.

How pleased I am to have the opportunity to serve a full-time mission, particularly in another language. I know I'm on the right path for me and am fulfilling my part of the plan. Love, Cectpa Bepi

June 8, '97

1) being able to say "I'm sorry"
2) being able to receive people's forgiveness
3) being able to take the sacrament weekly
4) talking to others to take the focus off of myself
5) the analogy to clay in Isaiah 64:8
74 push-ups -- I've increased so much cuz I do sets

Amazing how much I struggled with yesterday's little inner conflict until such time as I apologized to the Elders for treating them in such a manner. It felt so good to express to them my sincere sorrow for being prideful toward them. Really, I'm grateful for this experience because it taught me that I can't always recognize my own faults -- that I NEED others to point them out to me and that I need to believe them and from there make the effort to correct the problem. True, I was flustered by the fact that the "concern" was not very detailed, and hence it will require a bit more work on my part to avoid a similar incident but I think its worth it. Dang, I write a bunch of write-on sentences! Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, May 23, 2010

June 7, '97

1) the letter I received from Ren
2) the hot air balloons I saw this morning
3) how humbling it is to have red-eye when I cry -- we all need humility!
4) just that I am HERE is a true BLESSING!
5) my room-mates and what I learn from them
50 push-ups. that's it.

My patriarchal blessing tells me I'll learn Christ-like love through motherhood, but I think I'm being given some trial opportunities here at the MTC. Christ-like love -- what does that entail? Christ has some high expectations of us -- "Be ye therefore perfect." He never backs down on his doctrine just so we'll like him. His love is always available to those who will partake.

I think of it in terms of Lehi's dream, that the tree of life (we'll interpret that as God's love) is rooted in the same ground all the time -- he never changes where it is to be found. The fruit replenishes itself so there is always enough to go around. The iron rod is provided as a safe means to get to God's love. he doesn't sell tickets or discriminate as to who can grasp on to the iron rod. He allows those who are enjoying the fruit to stay in plain sight, as a motivator for those of us still on the path. But for some reason, some people won't grasp on to the iron rod. Instead they hop on an escalator which takes them down to a great and spacious building, full of the love of men which just doesn't compare to the love of God. So here I am, at this point in time, with this district for a reason and I really think this might be (at least one of them) it!

I need to recognize people's agency to partake of the love of God -- or not. And while I can't understand or sympathize with their choice not to, I must simply be a tree of love, always in the same place, bearing plenty of fruit, with a path provided to partake.

What happened that brought on this analogy type of thinking is the {Staryeishini} Elders "expressed concern" (the real word is complained, but not in MTC vocabulary) to Sister Bird (my evening teacher) that they didn't want my help in teaching them. Apparently, an unequal relationship was evolving and that's never good. So while I was passing off my task, Sis. Bird expressed this concern to me and asked what we could do about it.

I was at a loss because my heart feels so pure! My intent was not to do this! I have some very simple goals -- I just don't have the most effective means of reaching them. So I will be paying attention to the other Sisters, who are helpful but (apparently) in a more effective way.

I'm not so worried that the Elders don't like me -- not everyone clicks and certainly not when their goals aren't the same. I'm just concerned that they have set me up as a hindrance to their progression, when all I wanted to be was a help. So I will remove the attempts at helping and that should ultimately remove one of their hindrances to learning.

Oh, I'm so excited to be a missionary! I know I have so much yet to learn and that I can learn it in/thru these experiences... not that I couldn't learn it in other ways, but like I said, at first maybe this is a trial run!

I honestly believe that missionary work is the responsibility of the priesthood and that it is my privilege to be involved in the miracles of conversion that lie ahead as I thrust my sickle into this marvelous work and wonder!

I pray for the attributes required (listed in D&C 4) and that I can grow in each of these.

I love my Savior and am so grateful for his love for me. I am in awe that I am a member of his Only true Church and that I partake in the ordinances that will lead me back to his presence. Why aren't I feeling the Spirit as I write this?!

I NEED the Spirit's constant confirmation! I rely on it so much!

The end. Cectpa Bepi

PS - I felt the Spirit as I read it -- that makes me feel better.

Fitting scripture (found 6/8, 6:30am, right when I needed it!)
Alma 42:27

June 6, '97

1) The pictures I got back!
2) the wonderful time in the temple and that the feelings stayed with me afterward.
3) seeing Elder Ross! He's SUCH a missionary!
4) the love I feel for my companion.
5) the trust I can have in Heavenly Father.
50 push-ups -- that's it

What a lovely day! I don't think I did a durn bit of Russian, but I wrote a lot of letters wherein I said I loved it! I got about 8 letters written -- two of which had a bunch of pictures where my companion had followed me around for a day. It was fun -- I felt artsy again!

But particularly memorable about today was the temple and the strength of the feelings with which I was overcome -- and then how those same feelings were reproduced later during culture night.

I was fasting for re-assurance taht I am doing what I'm supposed to do -- that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. And it's ALL TRUE!

I'm so blessed and EXCITED to have the truth and share it! love, Cectpa Bepi

June 5, '97

1) that this week is going by a bit faster than previous weeks have
2) the MARKED change in Elder Smith's attitude after last night's study on humility. He seemed more optimistic!
3) the fun little chat Sis. Smyth and I had with Brother Jensen -- it was nice to feel friendly!
4) the package I received (although I haven't picked it up yet -- I don't even know who it's from!)
5) that tomorrow is temple day!
walking: 25 min; 50 push-ups

I'm trying to set up Brother Jensen with Rachel! Of course, she won't get home for a few more weeks, and even then she'll be in Indiana, but I think they'd make a great couple!

I'm so excited that tomorrow night is culture night and I'll get a sort of preview of where I'm headed. I love this mission thing. I know I haven't even had a real glimpse as to what it's really about, but so far it's been a wonderful growing experience, and better yet, there's more to come.

Thank goodness for the love and support of my family and friends but especially of my Father in Heaven! I know he is pleased with my choices right now! Love, Cectpa Bepi

June 4, '97

*)Receiving my Russian name tags!
1) the lesson on HUMILITY!
2) the opportunity to actually DO service in the calling "coordinating sister"
3) receiving an uplifting letter from Elder Stone
4) the shade when the sun scorches -- but also the sun
5) a very good memory that has been cultivated
run: 25 min; 40 push-ups

I don't feel like I have a lot to write about today. Funny because I experience a lot of emotions through out the day. I have considered carrying my journal with me to record them when they occr!

My sweet companion, Sis. Smyth, opened up a little about her frustrations. I really needed her to. I could tell she was struggling but I ddin't know how to bring it out in the open.

Yesterday was picture day and she was my photographer, following the many different events of the day. It was fun!

There was also a talk yesterday about goals -- very inspiring. I know that I am growing by being here and that I can look back on these experiences the rest of my life! Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, May 9, 2010

June 3, '97

1) familiar faces
2) new clothes! - Nicole & Elder Stone
3) the fact I'm not an MTC teacher (yet)-- and that when I AM it won't be for MY district
4) my companion's patience with me
5) the Spirit I felt so regularly today
run: 25 min; 40 push-ups

Today I received a t-shirt from Elder Stone. I try not to dwell on it, and rarely admit it to myself, but he's really a remarkable guy! I feel so blessed to just be corresponding with him. I don't know what it would be like to know him personally -- if he could ever convince me of his commitment to eternity -- but for the time being he's got a pretty good hold on my heart!

I've decided that being on a mission is a wonderful thing! I am so blessed to be here! Granted it is filling me BOTH spiritually and physically but for the most part I'm only benefiting from this experience and growing a TON. I pray I can be the means of miracles!

{Bo Imya Iicyca Xpicta, Amin} In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

June 2, 1997

1) a full tummy (gotta look on the bright side of gaining weight!)
2) {Bpat Dzhencen's} Brother Jensen's encouraging looks
3) My love for the Russian language
4) the new district goal to not complain
5) all the mail I received today -- TWO packages!!
30 min running; 40 push-ups

I haven't been able to pick up one of my packages, but in the first of the two I received a dress from my Mom! I really needed it -- all my clothes are getting "old" real fast. What a wonderful Mom, to be open to the whisperings of... whatever!

(A note from the package was inserted: This pretty dress called out to me: Send me to Regan!" On the back of the note, I had written -- It's really a perfect dress, even has pockets. I'm hoping Mom will send a few more just like it!)

Today seemed to be a really long day. I am really glad we're almost at a halfway point, because it puts it in perspective as far as how much longer I need to have a reserve of endurance!

I know that if I put more effort into loving my district it could add a little variety into the days.

As correlating sister, I finally have a new group of sisters entering tomorrow! That service will be good, too! Love, Cectpa Bepi

June 1, 1997

1) ANSWERS TO PRAYER!! and the priesthood for helping put it in motion
2) the new hymn Faith in Every Footstep
3) Quality time at the temple & the Spiritual choreography of running into Ellen Pickering
4) living in the modern days with modern conveniences and technologies
5) my companion being so great!
40 push-ups!! Twice as many as I could do when I came in

Today was fast and testimony Sunday. While it is a little sad that this means no Relief Society meeting, it's made up for because it is Mission Conference. We had some powerful talks and very meaningful things pertaining to our lives right now as missionaries.

I was particularly grateful for district meeting where we as leaders got to discuss the main problem of our district: there is WAY too much complaining! And the Spirit cannot abide in such an atmosphere. This truly is an answer to prayer and I'm grateful for it! I fasted over it also -- which was very nice!

Overall, a spiritually uplifting day -- renewing my spirit of enthusiasm for the work.

Love, Cectpa Bepi

Sunday, March 28, 2010

May 31, '97

1) the cinnamon buns from Elder Day's Mom
2) the love the Elders show for the temple
3) the letter I got from Rachel
4) Brother Jensen teaching twice today
5) Sister Bird listening to me!
15 min running; 35 push-ups

My entire existence as a missionary has been due to the influence of the Holy Ghost. My head often figures things out for itself without consulting the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and then it is a struggle of pride, when I do seek acceptance of my plans and receive rejection instead. Somehow, I am generally able to subdue my pride and follow the promptings that I can't deny.

If I had not followed the promptings of the Holy Ghost, I would have entered the MTC without the preparation I needed by attending BYU for a semester. I'm grateful Heavenly Father did not lose patience with me because of my constant pleading. I'm also grateful I got to come on a mission anyways -- I just had to be patient. And then FINALLY the promptings came that it was OK -- that I could indeed serve a full-time mission. How wonderful! And now that I'm here, I feel very much how important that time of waiting was, to ensure that I truly wanted to be here and to help me be better prepared.

I feel so blessed to be here and it is quite a struggle to watch others who take it for granted. None of our Elders are working up to their potential and it just gives me cause to wonder if they have a realization of the importance of these things. We are dealing with people's eternal salvation! On the other hand, I am painfully aware of the fact that you can't change people -- they have to choose to change of their own accord. My brothers taught me that and I"m re-living it with my Elders. I love them and I love this work! Cectpa Bepi

May 30, '97

NOTE: in this entry, I wrote the five things I'm grateful for in Russian. Again, I won't bother with transcribing but just go ahead and type the translation.

1) Today was P-day
2) I thought in Russian... a little, but STILL...
3) My Elders have the desire to learn the language
4) I received another letter from Elder Stone
5) I can understand more Russian. It's a pretty language
35 push-ups. That's all. BAD.

Well, little journal, I got a lot done today... wrote 4 letters, did my laundry, and received an answer to prayer. It's the same prayer I had last night and the night before and the Lord is telling me over and over again that he is providing the means by which we can and will learn this language.

We all need to put our effort into it! It's great that we have faith, but to quote James -- faith without works is DEAD!

I love the scriptures, love the Gospel. I love the Lord and I want to serve him. And I want the Elders to serve him too. With love, Cectpa Bepi

May 29, '97

1) the REALITY of the GIFT of TONGUES -- particularly as it applies to missionaries
2) getting a letter from "Dawnello" -- it's always good to keep in touch with old friends
3) the new journal I bought
4) having a knowledge that all is well at home
5) receiving yet another uplifting letter from Elder Stone
30 min of Callanetics; 50 push-ups; (couldn't run due to ankle problems)

We again spoke all in Russian in class tonight -- it was wonderful (see insert).

INSERT (small notebook page taped into the journal): I am having the most awesome experience! I am feeling the Spirit as we discuss the atonement in Russian. Oh, how sweet! Truly the Spirit is not bounded by language, but always he testifies of truth and what an awesome truth this is: {iskupleniye} atonement! {Ya xochy podelitsa etim principom i vsyo yevangyeliye c russkim lyudyea} I want to share this principle and all of the gospel with the Russian people. I am so grateful to be my Savior's messenger of such a {prekrasniy} message! {Eto kruto!} It's cool!
(End of insert)

We were also invited to write our feelings about the atonement in our {dnevnik) journal.

I have but a small idea of what the atonement really is... yet the more I learn, the more I treasure the knowledge of the reality of it. Christ, my brother and God's son, gave his life for me! He suffered beyond what I can imagine and through that, I can be forgiven of my sins, live with my Father, and become like him. How grateful I am for this! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Cectpa Bepi

May 28, '97

1) seeing Sis. Henderson
2) that we spoke all in Russian in evening class
3) that I have the opportunity to improve so much!
4) that I didn't get any mail... keeps me humble!
5) that tomorrow I'll probably get a letter from Elder Stone...
6) that we ordered Russian nametags!
walking -- 20 min; 35 push-ups

Whoa, what a day. How grateful I am to my Father in Heaven for prayers heard and answered. Today, I really needed to hear more Russian and hear my district do more with it. I love this language! And I have every desire to learn more, speak it well, and teach the gospel in it. But unlike the Elders, for me it starts here.

They seem to think they'll get to Russia and all of a sudden have the gift of tongues and be successful. Well, this evening our teacher chose to do the class in ALL Russian, and I believed it was an answer to my prayer and an eye-opener to the Elders.

Now I pray that they will act and learn so they can fulfill their calls as servants of the Lord! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Cectpa Bepi

May 27, '97

1) a renewed spiritual "visionary" feeling (sounds funny but it's real)
2) the friendship I felt from others
3) a more complete understanding of Russian grammar
4) meeting Brother Packer -- he's cool!
5) this little extra time we had tonight
Run: 25 min; 35 push-ups

Aaaah, another day past... they seem quite a bit the same as we go on! I'll bet anything the time to leave for Russia will be here in the twinkling of an eye!

While each individual day can seem long, as I look back, I'm amazed that tomorrow marks three weeks of "survival..."

Really, though, I'm grateful for the time to prepare here in these wonderful facilities amidst these amazing servants of the Lord. That there are so many dedicated is a thrill for me to behold!

(I try not to focus on the few who are here for the wrong reasons.)

We had Tues Nite Devotional, and I just smiled as the room full of missionaries sang "Called to Serve!" Love, Cectpa Bepi

May 26, '97

1) the bright sun and cool breeze
2) the practice we get at the TRC, asking questions
3) the Spirit of love and friendship at the MTC
4) the goals I can look forward to after my mission
5) the reality that I am here!!! A missionary!!!
run - 20 minutes at the most; 35 push-ups

I think it will be so fun to go back and read those "attempts" at journal entries in Russian!

Ya know, I'm excited to be learning a language and seeing a whole different part of the world, and yet I totally know that those aren't reasons enough to be a missionary.

I am here at the MTC to prepare more fully to teach the gospel, granted, in another tongue... but that's just a means to an end: the great end of eternal life with my brothers and sisters. I pray that I can pursue this goal worthily and with full purpose of heart. I know it's not an easy thing and hence my motives have to be right or else they won't last...

I'm so grateful for the gospel -- I want to share it with everyone! Cectpa Bepi

May 25, '97

NOTE: this was originally written entirely in Russian. I will forgo the whole transcribing thing and just translate!

1) my companion
2) Sunday! slow... very peaceful
3) The Holy Ghost telling me that I'm doing the right thing
4) familiar faces
5) I overeat! Always!
no running... 35 push-ups

Hello! Today, I am excited to write this entry because my companion and I spoke in Russian all day! She didn't like it much, but I loved it! I know that I have a lot to learn, and I think that I only learn when I practice. My companion doesn't have a big vocabulary. That's okay -- I will help her if I can.

I am also excited because I read the Book of Mormon (in Russian and in English). Brother Benson gave me the list of verses that I will memorize, and try to use. I want to know all the scriptures better and understand them. I know that they are true!

I love missionary work! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Cectpa Bepi

May 24, '97

1) my talents, even if they're only recognized by me...
2) my letter from Allison (it has to last me until Tuesday 'cuz Monday's a holiday)
3) each of my teachers here at the MTC
4) that my skirt can be unbuttoned (without falling off) to allow for this extra weight
5) that my understanding of the atonement can be heightened little by little
25 min running (stairs included); 75 back-friendly tummy crunches; 30 push-ups

Today was a weird day. My district really started bugging me. Why won't they work their butts off and learn this language? I actually sense their hatred for it and I know (from experience with my brothers) that you can't change someone else's attitude. So I'm flustered. Don't they realize what we're doing? My gosh. Okay, well, since there is not a lot I can do about it -- but is that true? Can't I at least influence them? AACK! This stinking free agency. Hmph. Well, I'll pray for them too. Love, Cectpa Bepi

May 23, '97

1) the SHORT nap I got (I'm grateful it was short -- I don't like to waste too much time!)
2) all the letters I got to write
3) the friendship of my room-mates
4) the opportunity to increase my testimony about Joseph Smith
5) just barely getting in dinner but getting enough to eat
15 min walking; 200 back-friendly tummy crunches; 30 push-ups

Well, yet another day done at the MTC. I got all my letters written that I needed to... but not as much studying as I would have liked.

I actually find myself in love with the Russian language. I'm feeling so much better -- completely opposite from my initial reaction of fear -- I'm experiencing gift of tongues in a few different manners, including that of comfort and confidence and love for the language, which means a desire to speak it more, to hear it more.

I pray this continues to grow over the next six weeks and I'll be ready!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

May 22, '97

1) the opportunity to be delving into something so focused-like
2) my companion's laugh
3) the uplifting stories told today at LGM
4) the increasing unity of our district
5) the "sense" I am making of grammar!
run- 15 min; 80 sit-ups; 30 push-ups

Today went much faster than yesterday. Quite honestly, I think all of our time here will go much faster than we think and we will be out on the field in no time. How exciting!

Monday night we did that TRC (I dunno what the initials stand for) but pretty much people are staged as investigators and we get to teach them. My companion and I did it in English and the first time I don't think she was totally comfortable but the second time she caught on fire!

The Spirit is there when you need it, when you see it, and when you trust in it.

Tonight, our {staryeishini} Elders really impressed me. They led the discussions about gospel study. Our district leader, Elder Day, hadn't (in my opinion) been doing his complete duties, as far as keeping things under control and particularly in the area of setting a good example. But tonight, he was able to lead the discussion in such a way that the Spirit was indeed there and that several of the {staryeishini} Elders were impressed to bear their testimonies. And, in answer to my personal prayers, the testimony of Elder Miller was just what I needed to hear. Apparently he has been touched by the Spirit in the way that he needs to be to be motivated to dig in and learn this language so he can teach effectively.

It's wonderful for me to witness the hand of the Lord in others' lives!

I know these next 18 months will be full of such opportunities -- how grateful I am for that!

{Vo imya Iicyca Xpista, Amin} In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Cectpa Bepi

May 21, '97

1) that this day has finally ended!
2) I got to take a nap outdoors
3) the pillow I sat on in class
4) the improvements my {staryeishini} elders are showing
5) Bro. Benson's kind comments when I see him as I run in the mornings
run - 30 min - 30 push-ips - 80 sit-ups - 90 butt-ups
*butt-ups are 0_/\ ---> 0/-\ (good illustration?!)

I really have a pride problem. It's a terrible thing. No wonder Pres. Ezra Taft Benson gave the great talk on pride. It keeps me from progressing, it keeps those around me from progression as effectively as they could. Seek first to cast the BEAM out of your own eye, cectpa!

I do know that I love the scriptures and it is a joy to me to be able to know the scriptures. But it has to be shared in the right spirit, with the appropriate purpose and selfless goal of teaching others AND learning from them to begin with.

This was an extremely long day (for some reason... dunno) Cectpa Bepi

May 20, '97

1) Elder Wirthlin's words of wisdom specific to missionaries
2) the power of prayer
3) Spiritual choreography -- running into people I know at the right time
4) being the recipient of packages!
5) the new hymn "Faith in Every Footstep"
6)! my energy provided to me
200 sit-ups; run- 25min; 30 push-ups

I like progression! I'm grateful for this eternal principle wherein we take simple steps, one by one, and eventually reach our potential! I know the Lord works this way in every element of our lives.

As long as we strive to keep upward mobility and balance between the different areas, then we have Him on our side. I'm grateful for this principle and pray I can live it, putting my effort in and hence earning the help, the boost, of the Savior.

I'm grateful for my growing testimony (particularly in Russian!) in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Regan Cectpa Bepi

May 19, '97

1) Wearing less make-up and still feeling "pretty"
2) time outside in the warm sun & my companion's patience with me
3) doing the role-play (although I would have liked to try in Russian)
4) my ability to help others understand stuff
5) creativity! the spice of life!
soccer-40 min; 200 sit-ups; 30 push-ups

Little do I know what my new calling entails... the previous coordinating sisters did a "departure party" ordeal, where we entered their dorm room which was draped in curtains... it was Lehi's tree of life, and we had to wear our robes, a pillowcase & headband to fit in. It was neat!

Then we told our "how come we're on a mission" stories... it makes me reflect on the many different steps in my life that have brought me here. And here I am!

I pray I will serve honorably and righteously and life will go on after it in the footsteps of the Lord!

G'nite - Cectpa Bepi

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

May 18, '97

NOTE: I tried to write today's post (other than the 5 things I'm grateful for) entirely in Russian. Obviously, I made some serious (actually, pretty hilarious) mistakes, since I had only studied the language a few weeks... Rather than bore you with an attempt to transcribe the Russian Cyrillic, I'll just put the translation!

1) the Book of Mormon
2) the serenity of the temple grounds
3) the lovely weather today
4) my new opportunity to serve as coordinating sister with my companion
5) the example of Bro. Carver as a speaker
150 Sit ups, 25 push-ups

Today, I write in Russian. I have a goal to write one entry every week in Russian. I don't know many word, and I am bad with grammar, but I will write.

I want to write my thoughts about the gospel. I know that the Church is true; that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I want to serve my Heavenly Father. I pray for help with the Russian language.

I think that it will be funny to read this entry in eighteen months... Will I understand what I wrote?

I know that God lives, and he loves me. I will return to God and live with him for eternity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Sister Berry.

May 17, '97

1) Nicole, who is going to buy me some new clothes
2) My good memory (even though it hurts when I over-use it!)
3) The teachers we have here at the MTC
4) I have a companion who cares
5) the gift of tongues
run - 20 min (4 sprints -- that's a record for me)
15 sit-ups, 25 push-ups

Now I know for myself what people talk about when they call the MTC "groundhog day." Over and over and over... study, eat, study, eat, study, eat, study, sleep, run, study, eat...

I'm sure pleased my roommates and I make "run" part of the daily schedules. Your body needs it -- the brain can't be active by itself! Mine almost gave out on me today buy I fulfilled all my goals (except the writing one entry in Russian, which I'll work on tomorrow). I have more letters to write tomorrow, too. P-day wasn't long enough! ;)

Sincerely, {Cectpa Bepi} Sister Berry

Sunday, March 14, 2010

May 16, '97

1) THE TEMPLE!! (I could put that for all five!)
2) The potential "my" Elders are showing
3) P-day and the letters I got to write
4) How well I am provided for as I serve
5) My knowledge of the Gospel
run- 30 minutes! 150 sit-ups, 25 push-ups

Tonight I am fulfilling a commitment to write in my journal my feelings regarding Joseph Smith.

I know that he was a man -- meaning he suffered just as I do. But more than that, I know he was a prophet and that I am indebted to him for the knowledge that blesses my life and makes it worth living.

As I learn greater and greater truths that were provided by this prophet, I am almost overwhelmed by the possibilities it introduces into my future. I am excited to learn more and share more and pray I can be guided by the Spirit as I do both!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sister Berry

May 15' 97

from my scripture study: Acts 6 - Stephen has BOTH wisdom and power, and he teaches by BOTH wisdom and the Spirit.
D&C 6 - in regards to last night's journal entry, "ask and ye shall receive" has a lot more meaning for me. I did ask and I am receiving {vozmozhnost} the opportunity to serve full-time... what a calm assurance flows into my heart in realization of this!

Verse 10 - we are each GIFTED -- but stay humble (it comes from above) and use it for the right purposes.

Vs. 14 - WOW! Surely this applies to me, being here.

Vs. 19 - for companionship inventories!


1) Priesthood authority - especially when recognized for the great force it is!
2) Elder Stone's tape!! He's so awesome!
3) P-day tomorrow!! - get to go to the temple!
4) being able to explain the Plan of Salvation -- a great deal of eternal truth -- in 30 seconds
5) Seeing familiar faces now and again
20 min running, 150 sit-ups, 25 push-ups

It's {izumlyoni} amazing to me how fast the time goes when looking back on it, but how slow it can seem when trying to endure it! I haven't worn a watch the last few days and I think that helps me not count down the hours and minutes.

Don't get me wrong! I love the MTC and the things we're learning! But I find it hard to SIT ALL DAY with just breaks to eat. But if it's one of the greatest sacrifices I have to make then so be it!

Oh, it was so great to receive a tape from Elder Stone. I can definitely see how he is going to be a strength to me while I serve. He is very positive and spiritually strong and reveals an authentic desire to get stronger and be better. How awesome!

I hope the {staryashini} Elders in my district get this {zhelaniye} desire very soon... as of yet, it seems they tolerate the Spiritual side of it but can't wait to act like their teen-age selves again. SCARY!

Well, {ya ustala} I'm tired -- {ya hochy pobegat zabtra ytpo, shtobe spokoni nochi!} I want to run tomorrow morning, so good night!

{Lyuobov, Cectpa Bepi} Love, Sister Berry

May 14, '97

1) little "clicking" times when something makes sense
2) forgiveness and willingness to move on
3) the missionary program altogether
4) my darn good memory
5) my companion's efforts at Speaking Your Language (SYL)
run- 20 minutes -- 170 sit-ups -- 24 1/2 push-ups

Am I wavering? Because she that wavereth will not receive anything of the Lord! I want SO MUCH to serve this mission. Really, it comes down to pride: I want to say I'm a returned missionary. I'm so good at the language and totally feel blessed with the gift of tongues. I know I have SO MUCH yet to learn, and not just in the language but in the Scriptures. I really think a mission is a great way to learn both.

It truly is a sacrifice in more ways than I ever recognized it.. and that can be hard to deal with. I compare this time to my last semester and so far have not learned as much as I did then... as far as what is in the scriptures... but I know I need to take time to APPLY the scriptures.

Oh how I wish I could pray! With my companion and room-mates around all the time, I just can't put the energy and effort into it that I am used to.. and that I need to. I need to let my Father know my worries and concerns, I need to express to Him my great desire to serve, I need to plead for Him to bless my family while I'm gone, I want to explain how much I'll miss the temple while serving in St. Petersburg, and that I have humbled myself greatly and no longer hate the idea of being married and that I have every desire for a wonderful man to be prepared to receive me upon my homecoming.

Please let it be after 18 months of full-time, whole-hearted service! Please! I know it's a pride thing. I'll strive to re-focus myself. Oh, Father, I need thy Spirit. I need thy strength. I do know that thou livest and that thou doth care for me as well as each of the people in St. Petersburg whose life I can touch. {Spasibo Bolshoi} A big thank you!

Love, Sister Berry

May 13, '97

1) Others' testimonies
2) Each of our individual talents and how they combine for the benefit of everyone
3) My friends and family who are writing and supporting me
4) Growth through struggle (hard to admit)
5) the example of Christ
run- 25 minutes - 140 sit-ups - 25 push-ups

Well, tomorrow marks one full week at the MTC. We sure learn a lot in a little time!

We memorized phrases that help us to bear our testimony today! It was particularly gratifying when some of the Elders, who have been struggling all along, "got" a key concept in grammar... I could tell it was a success that came at the right time! I'm excited for them.

As I am in the midst of this great work, indulging in the Spirit so strongly and regularly, I recognize the forces of Satan to be discouragement and doubt -- things we don't often attribute to him. I pray for the strength to overcome and know I will be blessed!

Love, Sister Berry

May 12, '97

1) Nature - especially mountains because they make me look up and think of God and his creations
2) reality of repentance and reliance on the Savior
3) my precious companion and her patience with me and my oddities
4) the overwhelming strength of the Spirit to swell my heart and humble me
5) mail! letters! packages!!
run- 20 minutes - 130 sit-ups, 20 push-ups

Oh my, how I desired some personal quiet time today, but being a missionary at the MTC, that's something I don't get a lot of. I just wanted to spend some time on my knees, praying and pleading for the Spirit to guide me and direct me.

I have chosen to serve this full-time mission, to go where the Lord wants me to go and say what he wants me to say -- even if it's {po-ruski} in Russian.

It is overwhelming to me that I have the truth of the gospel and that I am among the few chosen to go forth and preach it to others!

How great is my calling!

Love, Sister Berry

Saturday, March 13, 2010

May 11, '97

1) the chance to write letters
2) the talk by Sister Edmunds
3) My mother and grandmother
4) the beauty of the temple grounds
5) the chance to fast as a district
120 sit-ups, 20 push-ups

My companion is really a help meet for me. Her smile comes just when I need it; her thoughts coincide with and complement mine. No wonder the Lord puts us in pairs!

This lovely first Sabbath at the MTC was spent fasting for help with the language. We also spent quality time with the district -- a group of truly called Elders with some marvelous works and wonders ahead of them.

I wandered onto the temple grounds this morning with Sis. Smyth and we wrote letters and absorbed the Spirit. I knew Brent who was working in the security booth and he let me call and leave a Happy Mother's Day message with my grandmother for my mother.

I've realized how much I want to be a mother someday! Don't worry -- I'll be patient!

Love, Cectpa Bepi (Sister Berry)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

May 10, '97

1) My letter from Elder Stone
2) The beautiful blue sky and sunshine today
3) The opportunity to bear my testimony
4) The friendship in the district
5) The fact tomorrow's the Sabbath!
110 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 20 min running

Oh, my, the cafeteria food is already getting old! I never ate this well on my own, so I hope the exercise is balancing it out and I won't get too "big."

The Spirit continues to be strong here as I strive to get things in perspective.

It seems like I've been here much longer than just 3 days... we cram SO much into every minute but it still seems like "eat and study" and that's about it -- even hardly any sleep! But that's because we haven't been as diligent about obeying the "go to bed" rule as we have the "get up on time" rule.

I do indeed feel the gift of tongues and even the interpretation thereof! I'm excited to write some letters tomorrow!

Love, Sister Regan Berry

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

May 9, '97

NOTE: In today's entry, I attempted to write in Russian a little bit. As I type in English, I am just using whatever English letters seem to correspond with the Russian, but then I put the Russian in {brackets} and italics and translate it immediately thereafter! If you happen to speak Russian, you might notice that I went ahead and left the mistakes as they were. No need to pretend that I knew more than I did!

1) My call to serve in this great work
2) Familiar faces around the MTC
3) the Spirit in Brother Jensen's class
4) the breathing exercises Sister Halford does
5) Praying in Russian
20 min running, 110 sit-ups, 20 push-ups

Wow, today seemed long! My comp and I were going to try to get to bed on time tonight... it's already 10:32, so, oh well!

But I did feel lots of progression with the language today! We learned some very basic prayer phrases. I feel like I was guided to study Russian the little that I did. It just made me familiar enough with how to read it, and doing the independent studies project of taping scriptures in my bible made me feel comfortable with certain religious phrases.

I worry about the Elders in my district -- they seem a little discouraged. However, they also have a real Spirit of the truth and reality of the work. May God bless them with strength of mind!

No mail today :{ but I'll survive it. It only comes every 9 or 10 days in the mission field, so I suppose I'd best get used to it.

{Ya xochy picat pa-ruski kogda ya mogy. Takzhe goborit. Sis. Smyth tozhe xochit - spasibo. Ya blagodary Bozhe za klasni i krasibi komp!} I want to write in Russian when I can and also speak. Sister Smyth also wants to, thankfully. I thank God for a cool and beautiful companion! As you can see, I often don't quite know exactly what to say, but I know, {ya znayu, shto ya bydy mozhet vsyo goborit.} I know, that I will be able to say everything.

What an amazing Spirit abides in this work. It certainly is like a stone cut without hands! We took a little "missionary evaluation" survey this morning that asked some pretty searching questions about my testimony and faith level. I pray I answered them honestly!

I do love the Lord and His gospel and His Russian Saints. {Bo imya Iicyca Xpicta, Amin.} In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

May 8, '97

1) My patient teachers
2) My companion's honesty and ideas
3) the kindness of the missionaries here
4) the words of wisdom of priesthood holders
5) ice cream sundae!

Run - 20 min - 100 situps, 20 push ups

The first full day at the MTC - SURVIVED!! Funny -- I looked at my clock around 1:20pm and realized that only 24 hours had passed since I had entered! Yet, so much has occurred -- I've met so many people and learned so many things.

What's most memorable is the gift of tongues that I'm experiencing! Of course, I'm still at less-than-first year level, but my vocabulary is coming back, my understanding is increasing...

I also got some mail! From my awesome Mom and my friend Lindalee. I need to not be so dependent on mail, though. I need to realize that yes, life will go on without me, and I don't need to be filled in on it all! I didn't receive Elder Stone's letter. I'm hoping I didn't offend him by responding so hesitantly to his letter that practically proclaimed his love! We'll see, I guess -- I hope soon!

Love, Sister Berry

P.S. de ja vu is pretty consistent. COOL!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First day at the MTC! May 7, 1997

1) Safety in traveling
2) Spirit saying "This is right!"
3) Gelters' service, love, & support
4) Meagan and parents' gift of funds!
5) Sis. Smyth being so awesome!
100 sit ups, 20 push-ups
Well, the way I'm starting my entries while I'm on my mission is to list five things I am grateful for during that day and then any physical activity that I did. Oh, journal! How blessed I feel to be here at the Missionary Training Center! I AM A SISTER MISSIONARY!! There are no ifs ands or buts about it! And by the wonderful Spirit I feel, I know that being here is RIGHT.

I got a feel for the language; I got settled into my dorm room; and I served others. This was a very important factor in making this first day right -- I helped others with their luggage and I built my muscles in my arms but also in my friendship skills.

I'm very excited to have Sister Jennifer Smyth as my companion. She is from Idaho and simply splendid. We are going to get along great -- I KNOW it! Oh how I feel my Heavenly Father's love through the love of others!

I know things aren't all hunky dorey all the time as a missionary, but I know it's worth it. May my testimony of Christ and Joseph Smith grow continually particularly with the wonderful nourishment of the MTC!