Sunday, March 28, 2010

May 24, '97

1) my talents, even if they're only recognized by me...
2) my letter from Allison (it has to last me until Tuesday 'cuz Monday's a holiday)
3) each of my teachers here at the MTC
4) that my skirt can be unbuttoned (without falling off) to allow for this extra weight
5) that my understanding of the atonement can be heightened little by little
25 min running (stairs included); 75 back-friendly tummy crunches; 30 push-ups

Today was a weird day. My district really started bugging me. Why won't they work their butts off and learn this language? I actually sense their hatred for it and I know (from experience with my brothers) that you can't change someone else's attitude. So I'm flustered. Don't they realize what we're doing? My gosh. Okay, well, since there is not a lot I can do about it -- but is that true? Can't I at least influence them? AACK! This stinking free agency. Hmph. Well, I'll pray for them too. Love, Cectpa Bepi

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