Sunday, October 10, 2010

June 29, '97 - thankfuls

I almost forgot!
1) The fun & creative sisters in our branch!
2) the letters I got written -- accomplishment-city!
3) the neat talks I heard tonight -- all day
5) How little I think about mail anymore. It's not as much of a fetish.
40 push-ups

June 29, '97 - Sunday Evening Gospel Study

How do you know your earthly father loves you? You've only spent some 20 years with him -- and you've spent an infinite amount of time with your Heavenly Father.
Why don't I like this talk? Do I believe my earthly father loves me? If I don't, can I comprehend that my Heavenly Father loves me?
I have felt my Heavenly Father's love, but is it with any, even an element, of understanding? No. In fact, I probably doubt his love for me more than is righteously allowed, because I don't have anything to compare it to.
I see how others' fathers love them. I feel love from other men in a fatherly way, like Brother Catts, or Kevin Bradway. I wonder why they choose to love me... and I wonder why my father, my own flesh and blood father, has chosen not to love me.
I think I need to work on this perspective (or lack thereof) because my earthly father is just that -- my earthly, mortal, imperfect father. I can't allow myself to compare my Heavenly Father to him and expect similar attributes from Him -- He is perfect!
He does not fall to any sort of distraction that he ever could forget me over. I am His priority. I must bask in this knowledge. I must first accept it as knowledge... and that's what I have trouble with.
I've been exposed to my Father's love and really it is what motivates me to be here -- I just disguise it as a desire for others to partake of the joy I receive from keeping the commandments. I want others to realize what I have come to accept as a fact, but its not the most important fact... the fact, fact, FACT that he loves me and he loves the other people on this earth -- that's why I should be here.

Joseph Smith History -- verses 5,8,10-13, 15-17. 1 Nephi 8 contains all the people in the world. ALL the things in the vision aren't real, they're representations. There's no path -- there's just a relationship with God. Have I caught the vision of the Book of Mormon?

June 29, '97 Brother Stephen B. Allen

Brother Stephen B. Allen, Missionary Executive Committee Guy...
We are a royal army. How often does Satan splash us in the face like a water fountain with the pressure going up and down. because the person on the fountain connected to yours keeps pushing and releasing their button. A little child won't know why he's getting splashed in the face, and often we don't know, don't realize don't recognize where our trials are coming from. One of the Lord's greatest pet peeves is when we do not recognize his hand in all things and be obedient. When we are disobedient, we give Satan power. If we are really disobedient, then he can take complete control of you and destroy you. He workds every day with his angels to destroy us. Ammon in Alma 26 is giving his homecoming address. He converted 7 cities of Lamanites -- thousands! Verse 27 tells us that depression comes with the job. There will be tough days because there is a price to pay to do this work. Are we prepared to suffer? Privation -- something you have given up in order to be a missionary -- 10 stood to say what they have given up: family, radio, nephew, working on farm, roller skates, grandfather, CDs, Dixie, girlfriend, Mom.

List every single blessing you have, as though you will lose anything that's not listed:
My mother, my grandmother, Richard, Rachel, Ren, Ranell, my cousin Toby.
Electricity, clean water, and lots of it.
Time to study at IU and BYU.
Learning the Russian language. Serving a mission. My awesome MTC companion.
My dad choosing to become Mormon and my Mom choosing to stay Mormon.
My friend Kevin.
My experience with Ken.
My cars -- my Sable & the lessons it taught me, my Datsun and its dependability, my new Nissan and its cruise control and air conditioning.
Elder Stone and his letters.
Ice cream.
The Saviors atonement for my sins (I'm not even going to try o list them! let this one be inclusive!)
My friend Nicole who bought me these clothes.
Meagan and her parents' generosity.
My temple time.
The gift of tongues.
My ward supporting me on my mission.
My dog, Gloria, and her love for my mother.
Arts -- dance, visual, music.
Priesthood and my growing understanding of it.
Patriarchal blessing and the guidance it gives me.
This was a timed activity -- five minutes. After which a random selection of people had to share one thing on their list. Other things: Joseph Smith, scriptures, testimony, socks...

You are never alone... the Lord knows us and he will bless us as well as our families. We will bless the day that we endured to the end, amidst trial and affliction.

June 29, '97 - Sister Edmunds

My 7th Relief Society in the MTC.

Sister Mary Ellen Edmunds:
The sisters going to Hong Kong will be the first missionaries in China -- let's pray for them and also Nigeria, where they're on the verge of miracles, and also Indonesia where several hundred are waiting for the gospel but we haven't been able to send missionaries for 20 years. I am in a meeting today that is unique in all the world. Thankfulness...
Theory of Relativity: when the children were covered in their sleep with boards, one awoke and said, "Mother, how nice this is -- I feel so bad for people who don't have boards to keep them warm." Or would we have said, "I'm gonna get splinters!"
Sisters with Attitude: we all have a lot of reasons to be happy... Sister Edmunds served in Nigeria, where she learned the theory of relativity by comparing her home, which she and her companion called sarcastically "The Palace" and the homes of their investigators.
In Indonesia, Sister Edmunds met a couple that had no children, or as they said, "We have no one to follow after us."
In 1977 there was a worldwide fast, some had too much water, some had not enough. Some had volcanoes and earthquakes, some were just lonely. "We need to view our own wants in light of others' needs." (Spencer W. Kimball)
It's possible we could go through our entire lifetime without being content. Advertising tries to make us discontent so that we'll buy their item to fulfill a need. Happiness is a state of being contented and satisfied. Try to need less... simplify...
"You can never get enough of what you don't need... because what you don't need doesn't satisfy."
The homeless women in the park are filled with thoughts in winter of the warm coats the rich women will give them come July.
"There there, little luxury, don't you cry -- you'll become a necessity by-and-by."
It's probably a greater blessing to want less than it is to have more.
If you had two homes, would you give one to someone in need? "Yes!"
If you had two cars, would you give one to someone in need? "Yes!"
If you had two televisions, would you give one to someone in need? "No!"
Why? What's the difference? "I do have two televisions!"

One of the promises that runs through the entire Book of Mormon is: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper..."
What does it mean to prosper? The Lord loves to bless his children and one of the things he asks is for us to be grateful. We are about to meet some of the richest people we will ever know -- and they may live in a cardboard box.
What shall we DO about the Theory of Relativity? "I want you to enjoy what I have given you -- the gospel, electricity, water, family, friends, temple, scriptures, sunsets... Then, thank me ... third, SHARE -- particularly, truth!" (Heavenly Father)
Bumper Sticker: Live Simply so others can Simply Live.
Decreasing our wants and needs is a get-rich-quick scheme! Be grateful for what we don't have rather than grumbling about what we don't have.
Hymn 241, verse 3: Money cannot buy your reward in heaven nor your home on high.
If money could buy it, I don't think I would want to be there anyways!

June 28, '97

1) We taught some natives the first discussion!
2) Tomorrow is Sunday!
3) The Elders know that I love them! Even though I said, "Be quiet!"
4) I received a tape from my sister and my grandmother talked on it.
5) I continue to feel the Holy Ghost.
80 push-ups
Wow, today really did go fast. I really needed it to! I'm so excited to be in Russia. And with teaching the natives tonight, I simply felt so blessed with the gift of tongues! I understood so much of what was being said and I tried so hard to say what I wanted to and for the most part it worked. I totally know this is the power of the Lord in my personal life.

I am seeing, experiencing, being a very real miracle. I'm so grateful because I know that it's not my faith alone but that of my wonderful family and friends who are praying for me. I am seriously able to move mountains!

I am so grateful to have this opportunity to be experiencing this. I know it is, in fact, a gift from my loving Father in Heaven.

I, of all people, know my limits and lack of ability. I cannot attribute the "success" I feel to any preparation of mine or talent or intelligence that I possess.

Honestly, I am very humbled by the feats that are being accomplished through me as a mere vessel of the Lord's work. I know there are greater things to come!

I must reiterate the gift idea... that my Father has chosen me, called me to bear his message, and has blessed me with the ability to do it.

I love this!! I know I have so much yet to learn, but what a wonderful witness that I'm not doing it on my own -- at all!

I'm so excited to work harder, to know more, to serve better, to grow closer to my Savior. May I serve him well and endure the opportunities for growth that he gives me. I have every desire to go where he wants me to go, to say what he wants me to say, to be what he wants me to be. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

June 27, '97

1) I did not feel anger towards the Elders today, even though they acted badly. I only felt sorrow.
2) I got a picture with Sister Smyth in front of the sign that says: "General Authorities and Mission Presidents only"
3) I got to do initiatories and sealings in the temple today.
4) Sister Bird allowed us to watch a video about Russia. I am very excited!
5) Only ten days...
80 push-ups
I had the opportunity to do service today -- I think it's a neat little system they have set up! Divinely inspired, no doubt, as everything involved with this work is.
I'm so grateful to be a part of this work. I know it's providing me many opportunities to learn lessons in a way that I can deal with it.
Poor Sister Bird showed her video of Russia and the Elders just ripped on it. I didn't feel angry but just sad. I pray that they will partake of this opportunity to learn also. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

June 26, '97

1) We sang in our class this evening - very spiritual!
2) I received a tape from Elder Stone and also a letter -- cool!
3) I have had a lot of free time and have been studying a lot! Awesome!
4) I ate ice cream instead of lunch again today! Yummy! Every Thursday!
5) I love the Russian language. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study this beautiful language.
100 push ups
Short entry tonight... important to get to bed on time. Tomorrow is P-day! I'm so glad this week has gone by quickly. I pray next week will too. I really want to be in Russia but I know in the meantime I need to make good use of time. I love my Savior and need to learn to love others!